About Me – Personal Introduction

Hello! My name is Luca Federico Fianchini (Twitter: @_fianchini_lf) and this is my personal website.

This page is also outbound-linked to the articles that, since 2005, I monthly write in my educational website about agricultural sciences, the name of whom is Agrolinker. It is a registered site in Italy, an online tech-magazine and I’m the responsible director.

A responsible director is a minor character in the professional communication, whose role is receiving readers’ complaints, in the case something that was written is unfit, or maybe harmful to somebody. In such case you can easily reach me through the page of the Agrolinker’s responsible-director, providing all the information needed to solve your problem. In any other case you can contact me through my personal web-interface.

Because I’m the publisher and the owner of Agrolinker I think I need to balance my ideas with the need of providing unbiased informations about sci-tech issues: such comprehensive responsibility is to me an interesting challenge, because it push me toward a constant improvement. In order to meet my task, I sometimes translate article written by other authors. For this reason I also contact academic websites in order to get authorization at translating articles. In any case I always try to apply the best practices needed to protect author’s rights.

Managing press-release, as sources of my articles, I like reporting (and translating) every scientist’s quotes, because I want the readers can understand the very purpose of the research teams and (when available) I usually publish links to academic pages, showing scientific curricula of the authors of each research. Any further suggestion in improving my standars is always welcome.

As a publisher/author I need to show, every day, I’m independent also from my own supposed interests. That is a very important ethic commitment, but also a huge limit in developing a profitable publishing-business.

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