My school-education


– 2020: Qualification as “agrochemical consultant”, a professional figure, introduced through the National Agrochemical Action Plans (NAPs), developed in accordance with the 2009/128/EC directive. Such consultant is responsible of the agrochemical prescription, with particular attention to a safer and environmentally sustainable use of pesticides, both in rural and in urban areas.

– 2003: Degree of the Specialization-Course for High-School graduates: ‘ComputerSoftware-aided Garden-Design’, a 476-hour course, attended at the Minoprio – Foundation, Raimondi Avenue, 54 – Vertemate con Minoprio (Como; Italy).

– 2001: Qualification for the Profession of Doctor of Agronomy.
Since March 2002 I’m registered in the ‘A’ section of the register, kept by the Order of the Doctors of Agronomy & Doctors of Forestry of the province of Milan (Italy).

– University: Agricultural Sciences Degree (old – system of qualifications) at the Statal University of Milan, via Celoria, 2 – Milan.
I had an on-field gradution-thesis, the title of whom was: Application of DIF and Cool-morning in the temperature-induced dwarfing of Begonia elatior Rieger, in greenhouse environment.

– High School: Scientific Secondary School Degree, achieved at the Edmondo De Amicis Institute, Via Alfonso Lamarmora, 34, Milan.

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